wedding video Athens // Oktavia and Ilias // wedding video Greece

Oktavia and Ilias, thank you for such a wonderful time with you, your families and friends. Your wedding in Athens was one of the most beautiful experience and I am truly thankful for this opportunity to be your wedding videographer and wish you all the best from my hearth.               ...

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wedding video // Kristýna a Míša // wedding video Czech republic

“Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving. Make every day a holiday and celebrate just living.” Sydney Smith                                 photo by Honza Martinec wedding bouquet by Loukykvět wedding concept by VěciČtyři

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wedding video Provence // Carole and Emile

When you can even touch the special moments happening in front of your eyes… When you can feel the sweet summer Provence air and look at the vastness of the vineyards… When you can easily feel to be part of the family… When you can fluently speak and understand the little cute French girl even...

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svatební video // Kateřina a Ondřej

Jste mým splněným přáním. S vaší láskou, s vaší chutí udělat si věci po svém, s vaší skromností a laskavostí. Jste mým živým potvrzením, že naše přání se stávají skutečností.                                 

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wedding video // Pavla and Michal

Well I wish I could be like a bird in the sky How sweet it would be If I found I could fly I’d soar to the sun And look down at the sea And I sing ’cause I know How it feels to be free… /Nina Simone/                  ...

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wedding video Czech republic // Dominika and Tomáš

When we met the first time, we didn´t talk about the wedding at all. We were talking about our lives, experiences, loves. And I didn´t want to leave them. When we met the second time, they were shining the same way as the last time. It was at the Wedding Circus festival, they were holding...

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wedding video Dubrovnik // Kim and Vasant

“If you want a lover I’ll do anything you ask. If you want a different kind of love I’ll wear a mask. If you want to strike me down in anger here I stand. If you want a partner in life take my hand. I´m your man.” Leonard Cohen               ...

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